Advocacy For Minerals


When you have important decisions to make about your minerals, we will stand by you to help you to understand the important issues of the mineral sector in accordance to the law of that country.

Advocacy means giving a person support to have their voice heard. It is a service aimed at helping people understand their rights and express their view in accordance to the law.

An advocate can:

  • listen to your views and concerns
  • Help you explore your options and rights (without pressuring you)
  • Provide information to help you make informed decisions about minerals in that country.
  • Help you contact relevant people, or contact them on your behalf regarding mineral business in accordance to the law of the country.
  • Accompany you and support you in meetings or appointments.
  • Signing contracts and MOUs regarding mineral business within the country of business. Eg.Sales and Purchase agreements( SPA ), Full corporate offer( FCO ). etc..
  • Filing Cases, appointing lawyers/barristers in-case of fraud/scam in mineral business.

An advocate will not:

  • give you their personal opinion
  • solve problems and make decisions for you
  • make judgements about you.

The support of an advocate is often particularly useful in meetings when you might not feel confident in expressing yourself.

Contact us for your advocacy services for any minerals and we help you out.

They can:

  • support you to ask all the questions you want to ask
  • make sure all the points you want covered are included in the meeting
  • explain your options to you without giving their opinion
  • help keep you safe during the meeting – for example, if you find the meeting upsetting, your advocate can ask for a break until you feel able to continue.